Saturday, November 14, 2009


I received word from my Doctor about my biospy of my thyroid. The type of cells that were found can be cancer. Therefore, surgery to remove this nocule will take place on Dec. 9. It will be out-patient surgery if it is not cancer. They will check the nocule after surgery and if it is cancer they will proceed to take the thyroid out. Then I will have to stay in the hospital for 1-2 days following surgery. So that is where it stands for now. I am going to continue to claim it is not cancer until I am told differently. Thanks for your prayers. God has a plan and it includes me!


A Stone Gatherer said...

Thanks for letting us know Connie! I'll be praying for you.

Mari said...

We'll keep praying. Thanks for passing on the report.

Anonymous said...

Keep that good confession Connie. The Word says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Praying for a good report!!!

There is a lady in my Bible study that used to work at Keegstra's who was having the same surgery this past week. I haven't heard her report yet.

Unknown said...

We've been gone a few day so didn't read this till today, we will be praying for good results.