Monday, January 17, 2011

Thought for Tuesday

We make our own happiness only by taking care
of the happiness of others.



Mari said...

That is so true. It's kind of along the line of it's better to give than receive.

Rita said...

You are right in some ways and I do love helping others. I've done it to the point of illness (serious illness) and others who wanted me to do said I was lying. I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have a minor heart (requires medication)problem. Nope according to family I need to keep moving until I drop dead. :) I can now smile about all this because I set major limits over the period of 10 years and I take care of myself and closest family members. Remember you matter too. Smiles....

Cherdecor said...

It is great to help others, but as Rita pointed out, there needs to be a balance.

I haven't been helping anyone today. I have had a bummer of a day. The hiatal hernai in my chest was giving me fits. I think I may have had a virus that triggered my condition. I am glad to say that I am feeling some better tonight.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

That is exactly why I remarried when my husband died..and then once again after I lost the second wonderful man.
I pray this one stays with me....I am NOT a loner...